Effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PJBL) to Increase Students' Digital English Writing Motivation
One approach to learning that places a strong emphasis on student participation is project-based learning. According to this study, Project Based Learning (PJBL) approach greatly enhances student lectures, particularly when it comes to boosting interest for English classes and helping non-English department college students develop their English writing abilities through the creation of digital writing projects. Utilizing surveys to gauge students' motivation levels and pre- and post-test scores to gauge the growth in students' skills, a quantitative methodology was applied. According to data processing, the average score for the pre-test was 76.3, and the average score for the post-test increased to 80.5. Concurrently, the findings of these calculations support the findings of student questionnaires, which indicate that project-based learning lectures might boost student enthusiasm.
Keywords: English Writing, Digital Writing, Project Based Learning
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31004/jele.v9i4.528
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